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  • Product Punks Roundup: My Favourite Product and Tech Finds of the Week

Product Punks Roundup: My Favourite Product and Tech Finds of the Week

Trying a new format—hope you like it 🙏

My five favourite product and tech finds from around the web this week.

Let's get stuck in:

Source: Paul Dragoonis via LinkedIn

#1 Is ChatGPT a Bad Seed 🤖?

There's been a lot of hype recently about ChatGPT and conversational AI as the future of tech.

One person who definitely doesn't agree, though, is antipodean rock legend Nick Cave.

And he's got a point ✍️:

#2 Scrum Is Stifling Innovation 💡

There's no mention of Sprints or story points in the Agile Manifesto, yet Scrum (with all its associated rituals and ceremonies) has become synonymous with agile ways of working for many.

What sets truly agile, product-led organisations apart, though, isn't how they implement Scrum; but how they don't.

Maybe Scrum is holding us back, not helping us innovate at all 🤔:

#3 Meta's iOS Behemoth 🐘

When you're killing time scrolling through your newsfeed of schoolfriends' status updates, you never think about the infrastructure that underpins it.

Since it was first rebuilt more than a decade ago, Facebook's iOS app has evolved into one of the most complicated smartphone apps in the world.

The amount of work that goes into just keeping the social network running on your iPhone is mind-blowing 🤯:

#4 Building Pineapple Pizza Products 🍍

I love pineapple on pizza. My wife, on the other hand, can't stand it. When it comes to putting tropical fruit on top of mozzarella and tomato, there is no middle ground.

The biggest killer of new products is apathy. No one cares about them—they make no impression.

Love it or hate it, pineapple on pizza gets attention. If you want your product to make an impact, do something different 🍕:

#5 How to Craft a Strategy Deck 🔮

As a product manager, it can often feel like most of your time is spent wrangling PowerPoint and Google Slides.

But regardless of how much you've had to do it, regularly creating compelling presentations is hard.

Luckily there are a lot of great decks out there that you can steal from 🥷:

That’s it!

See you next week (probably).


The Punk PM

P.S. Feel free to share this with anyone else you think would find it interesting.

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